Available courses

Hallo zusammen!

Hier werden in Zukunft - sofern möglich - organisatorische Dinge der Klasse 5a geklärt und Informationen zur Verfügung gestellt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

A. Schieke

Es ist nicht genug zu wissen – man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen – man muss auch tun.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

GK 11 - Gall

Englisch Kurs für Klasse 7 - Gall

Green Line Oberstufe

Lesetexte und Hörtexte bereitstellen


Hausaufgaben digital bearbeiten 

Übungen, Texte, Hausaufgaben einstellen und bearbeiten lassen

Englischunterricht 5e  bei Frau Meyer

Greetings! This is the official English course page for Class 8c, designed to enhance your learning experience throughout the academic year. Our primary source is Green Line 4, and this page on Moodle serves as a centralized hub for all course-related activities.

Here, you'll find a wealth of resources, including assignments, supplementary materials, and interactive elements that complement our in-class sessions. Engage in discussions, collaborative activities, and benefit from the convenience of accessing course materials at any time.

The Moodle platform is not just a virtual classroom but a space for effective communication. Stay informed about announcements, important dates, and connect with fellow students and parents. Let's embark on an exciting journey of language and literature exploration. Welcome to Grade 8 English!

Greetings! This is the official English course page for Class 8a, designed to enhance your learning experience throughout the academic year. Our primary source is Green Line 4, and this page on Moodle serves as a centralized hub for all course-related activities.

Here, you'll find a wealth of resources, including assignments, supplementary materials, and interactive elements that complement our in-class sessions. Engage in discussions, collaborative activities, and benefit from the convenience of accessing course materials at any time.

The Moodle platform is not just a virtual classroom but a space for effective communication. Stay informed about announcements, important dates, and connect with fellow students and parents. Let's embark on an exciting journey of language and literature exploration. Welcome to Grade 8 English!

Greetings! This is the official English course page for Class 5d, designed to enhance your learning experience throughout the academic year. Our primary source is Green Line 1, and this page on Moodle serves as a centralized hub for all course-related activities.

Here, you'll find a wealth of resources, including assignments, supplementary materials, and interactive elements that complement our in-class sessions. Engage in discussions, collaborative activities, and benefit from the convenience of accessing course materials at any time.

The Moodle platform is not just a virtual classroom but a space for effective communication. Stay informed about announcements, important dates, and connect with fellow students and parents. Let's embark on an exciting journey of language and literature exploration. Welcome to Grade 5 English!

Greetings! This is the official English course page for Class 10b, designed to enhance your learning experience throughout the academic year. Our primary source is Green Line Transition, and this page on Moodle serves as a centralized hub for all course-related activities.

Here, you'll find a wealth of resources, including assignments, supplementary materials, and interactive elements that complement our in-class sessions. Engage in discussions, collaborative activities, and benefit from the convenience of accessing course materials at any time.

The Moodle platform is not just a virtual classroom but a space for effective communication. Stay informed about announcements, important dates, and connect with fellow students and parents. Let's embark on an exciting journey of language and literature exploration. Welcome to Grade 10 English!

Greetings! This is the official English course page for Class 9d, designed to enhance your learning experience throughout the academic year. Our primary source is Green Line 5, and this page on Moodle serves as a centralized hub for all course-related activities.

Here, you'll find a wealth of resources, including assignments, supplementary materials, and interactive elements that complement our in-class sessions. Engage in discussions, collaborative activities, and benefit from the convenience of accessing course materials at any time.

The Moodle platform is not just a virtual classroom but a space for effective communication. Stay informed about announcements, important dates, and connect with fellow students and parents. Let's embark on an exciting journey of language and literature exploration. Welcome to Grade 9 English!

Greetings! This is the official English course page for Class 6d, designed to enhance your learning experience throughout the academic year. Our primary source is Green Line 2, and this page on Moodle serves as a centralized hub for all course-related activities.

Here, you'll find a wealth of resources, including assignments, supplementary materials, and interactive elements that complement our in-class sessions. Engage in discussions, collaborative activities, and benefit from the convenience of accessing course materials at any time.

The Moodle platform is not just a virtual classroom but a space for effective communication. Stay informed about announcements, important dates, and connect with fellow students and parents. Let's embark on an exciting journey of language and literature exploration. Welcome to Grade 6 English!


Oberstufenkurs auf grundlegendem Niveau


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